Sunday, 8 April 2012

Horse Riding :)

Dear readers, thanks coz sudi baca entry aku. sob sob sob. apa khabr? sihat? haa good !

Know what ? aku dah lama kot plan nk horse riding. dah bertahun WEDNESDAY farm tuh bkk . tapi hari ni aku baru jejak. padahal dkt je dgn uma. just 3km je kot.  tapi tak rugi habis kn petang korang disana. its really peaceful. aman, damai ,harmoni ! nah tgok laa pic :)




tempat ni agak terpencil thts why tak ramai yg tahu. it is a small but really nice resort. tak silap aku owner die jutawan singapore. name die PAK RABU . nnt law aku da jd jutawan aku nk bkk resort tunggang unta plak lahh hahaah. k joke ='= 

first , aku servey tmpt ni dgn jue n hafiz, tapi takde org. nsb sempat amek no tmpt dapat thu lbh details.  plan nk pegi hari sabtu, tapi keadaan tak membenarkan. hujan lebat giler . lastly tercapai hajat nk pegi hari ahad. aku pergi dgn member aku yg mmg addicted dgn kuda tahap gaban. hhahahah dia sanggup dok uma sowg2 xmo ikot umi die g jb coz  nk riding horse ngn aku. wahh sob sob sob.  anyways thanks :) 

miss yg addicted dgn horse. HUWAINI :)  

*abg bju biru tuu mat indon yg  introduce kuda tu at kami 
*abg bju hitam tuu yg handsme tu driver yg budiman yg sudi hantar kteorg g tmpt ni. thanks  hafiz :) 

*aku dah plan nk naik kuda colour brown xde rezeki laa 
kuda brown ni nme die MINAH name Glamorr MANI KARGO. harga die RM70000

hahahah ni muka bangga, lps gian aku nk horse riding. 

wahh waini, muka bahagia....  

P/s: pnt tgn nk upload pic. ni je laa yg dapat. nk tgok ABPBH lahh

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Friends- together We're ONE

salam. haii haii haii cantik , handsme ! today mood cheerful teramat sangat lah ! tak thu knp. hehehe
k back to our topic. Yeah, Friends :)

*One’s best friend is oneself. 

*A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words. 

*Only your real friends will tell you when your face is dirty. 

*Never explain yourself. Your friends don’t need it and your enemies won’t believe it. 

*A friend accepts us as we are yet helps us to be what we should.

*Everyone hears what you say. Friends listen to what you say. Best friends listen to what you don’t say. 

seriously, im proud to have true friends in my life. every moments in my life , its full with joy, laugh and smile with my friends. yeah ! its not easy to find a true friends. To find a true friends, is hard such to find a true love. *True friends are very difficult to find, hard to leave, and impossible to forget  :)

k touching, k touching, Rasa macam HARI HARGAI KAWAN SEDUNIA PLAK ENTRY KALI NIH. sob sob sob
dah dah nk cite sal kawan saya la. aku ade banyak kot kawan. serius. ! sesape pon bole jadi kawan aku.
even time form5 dulu, aku pngawas paling dibenci and dikecam. ramai org boikot sana sini, tapi makin ramai yg bnci
makin ramai jgk yg jadi kawan aku, hik3. aku mmg xpeduli ape org nk cakap. nk ngate.ngumpat aku or what. im just be what i am. selagi kita yakin ape yg kita buat tu betol, GO HEAD ! nk ngata ngata lah.. heran plak cek.  * yg mngata tu pon tak perfect mane pon kn.. 

kawan aku yg plg glamor dkt hati nih. JULIANA. huhuhu mmg agak rapat jgk lah kan :) salu g class driving sesame :)  
share same magazines setiap bulan. suka lagu sama. suka artis yg sama.suka ...... BNYK LA same !

*candid gambar buruk . time amek ujian undg2 :)


k ni mmg same. kami sangat minat pade ONE DIRECTION. 
favourite song kami of course laa *WHAT MAKES YOU BEAUTIFUL 

k k ni lagi sama. kami giler one direction, tapi ADDICTED dgn ZAYN MALIK ! 

bergadoh? hahah pnah sangat ! lagi2 aku nih haa yg always nk mng. tapi biasa lahh kn adek bradik
mane leh gado lme2.. A true friend is someone you can disagree with and still remain friends.If not, they weren’t true friends in the first place. 

k ni pon persamaan. kiteorg MANIS berbaju kurung.
bkn kiteorg je kot, semua gadis di luar sana juga :) 

k k ni tak sama. aku je yg kuat makan. jue ''kdg2' tapi jue sekali makan mmg licin pinggan dia.
dia tak suka mbazirr. bagus kn jue. :) *tgoklaa sape kwn die!

dikesempatan ini saya juga nk berterima kasih kpd sesiapa yg sudi jadi kawan saya selama ini. saya bersyukur dikurniakan kawan seperti kalian semua.A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart. *korang semua already touches my heart ! sob sob sob. aku always doakn yg terbaik utk korg semua kawan. :)

 *Thick and thin, tall and small, fast and slow. Tell me who is always there for you. I am sure you know. Your best friend, of course, don’t let him or her go

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Exciting Photoshot.

Assalamualaikum . huk huk. hello earthing. how are you? me? im fine thnks u :)
today aku nk story mory cerita yg dah berkurun terjadi kot.hik hik hik. propa je lbh.

Last,last,last weekend hari tuh.. me , my brother and all my cute adiks.. buat photoshot.
dkt mne? alah tempat biasa je. saja promote resort kampung.hehee. Main of this Photoshot
is to promote all clothes from DRESS TO SUCCESS. yeah ! msti ramai yg agak this on9 busniess aku 
yg punya kan? YES exactly ! BUt stok2 baju di DTS is not mine. stok tu my aunty yg punya. excially
mkcik aku ade bukak kedai baju. so unfortunately, kedai dia dah nak kne roboh. kesian kan. dia rugi beribu-ribu ringgit kot. baju2 dia xsempat nk dijual. so thats why la aku buat my own busniess on9. 

alhamdulillah, dgn wujudnya DTS aku dapat jual lebih 10helai baju.xsampai seminggu aku dapat kaut untg RM100. tapi tak lahh dapat cover semua kerugian mkcik aku.. tapi bolelah jugak bantu sikit2.What happen dgn DTS now? oh wat sementara waktu, aku terpaksa bekukan akaun fb DTS. sbb? sbb now aku busy dgn macam2 benda nk pk.. busy apply utk future study. Insyaallah satu hari nanti aku akn bkk balik this busniess with all new stocks yg more up-to-date ! bila? Haaaaa itu yg kita tak thu. just wait n see :) *kuat bebel lahh Nabila nihh.. dah dah jom tengok hasil photoshot aku yg xseberapa nih ! hahaha

*planner photoshot : miss biela
*make-up artist : miss biela
*camera-gurl : miss biela

*semua aku bolot.hahah mmg gila glamor btl lahhh ! ahha









*sorry girls, tak dapat update semua. haih tenet lembab ah
anyway thanks to my cute adiks AFIQAH IDRIS and FATEN FIFI
thanks for kje amal yg diberi. i really apprieciate that. MUAAH !